AutonomousKoi - Banter

The banter module adds custom commands and periodic messages to Twitch chat. The twitch module must be started and connected to chat for this module to work.

Custom Commands

Custom chat commands provide a simple way for chatters to get information on demand. Custom commands in banter have a command that users type in chat and text that the bot will respond with. Commands in banter must have a ! prefix.

For example, you might define a command !website with the text I have a website at!. When a user in the chat types !website, the bot will respond with I have a website at!.

Custom commands can be individually enabled and disabled. This provides a way to make different content available, depending on the type of stream.

Users can list the available commands by typing !banter.

Random Commands

Each command can also be set as random. At a configurable interval (e.g. every five minutes), banter will randomly select a custom command that is both enabled and set as random and send it to the channel.

Random commands have a cooldown period. To avoid repeating a command too frequently, a command that's been used recently will not be eligible to be randomly sent for that cooldown period (e.g. 15 minutes). If all commands are on cooldown when banter attempts to send a random command nonne will be sent. Commands on cooldown can still be activated by users.

The banter module provides one link for configuration.


Random Commands

The first configuration section allows you to configure general random command settings. Random Comman Interval specifies how many seconds banter should wait between random commands. The minimum is 30 seconds. Setting this to be too frequent will annoy chatters.

Random Command Cooldown specifies how long, in seconds, banter should wait before a recently selected command is eligible to be sent again. If this value is lower than Random Command Interval there is effectively no cooldown.

Changes to either of these settings are saved when and take effect when you click out of the input box.


The second configuration section allows you to manage your commands. To create a new command, click the + button in the bottom left. A new empty row will appear.

The command users will type into chat to get this message. It must begin with ! and must be a single word.
The text sent to the chat when the command is activated by a user or as a random command.
If not enabled, this command can't be invoked by users, won't be selected as a random command, and won't appear in the command list reported by !banter.
If checked, this command can be randomly selected and sent to the channel.

Changes to a command are not saved automatically; you must hit Save.