AutonomousKoi - Trackstar Twitch Chat

The trackstartwitchchat module mades track data from trackstar available to Twitch chat. It requires the trackstar and twitch modules to be running.

The module provides one link to a configuration page.


Announce New Tracks will cause each new track to be announced in chat. Some may find this option spammy. When changed, the change takes effect immediately.

Announce Template specifies how the track announcement will be formatted using placeholders for values that can be included in the message. The placeholders begin and end with double curly braces: ({{ placholder }}). The following placeholders are available:

Details about the new track.
The deck the track was played on. Only useful on a few devices
A numeric timestamp of when the track was played
Data about the track played
The track's artist
The track's title

Assuming you just played The Danger Dance by Men Without Hanks on Deck 3:

{{ .TrackUpdate.Track.Title }} by {{ .TrackUpdate.Track.Artist }}
Would produce The Danger Dance by Men Without Hanks

{{ .TrackUpdate.Track.Artist }} - {{ .TrackUpdate.Track.Title }} ({{ .TrackUpdate.DeckId }})
Would produce Men Without Hanks - The Danger Dance (Deck 3)

The Announce Current Track button will cause a one time announcement in chat of the currently playing track.

Chat Commands

Those in the chat can type !id to cause the most recent track to be announced in chat.

Users in chat can also specify a duration to announce a track that played previously in the current session. This duration specifies time increments using h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds. For example, the command !id 3h47m16 would report which track was most recently playing 3 hours, 47 minutes, 16 seconds ago, if any.